Year: 2023

Life Insurance Payment Denied?

Life insurance companies often deny payments by twisting the words of their insurance applications to rescind, or take back, the insurance policy they issued. This allows them to return whatever premium was paid, and avoid paying a much larger amount to the policy...

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Medical Malpractice Compensatory Damages

In Georgia, patients who suffer harm from medical malpractice are entitled to compensatory damages. These damages include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and in death cases, the full value of the patient’s life. The word compensatory comes from...

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Nearly 1 in 4 Hospital Patients Suffer Harm

This week, the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine published a study looking at the medical records of random patients in 11 Massachusetts hospitals in 2018. It found that almost one quarter of them suffered an “adverse event,” and 32% of these events caused...

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